Sample Vows for a Religious Vow Renewal Ceremony

Sample Vows for a Religious Vow Renewal Ceremony

Vows for Religious Vow Renewal Ceremony

Typically for a religious ceremony in a house of worship, the words you will say at your vow renewal will be largely dictated by the officiant and are similar to, if not the same, words you would say at a wedding. In addition, the officiant may make remarks about renewal and include songs or readings that speak specifically of lasting love or rebirth. However, some houses of worship will allow you to write your own vows. Be sure to speak with your officiant about what is appropriate in your religion.

Below are sample vows that you can use for wedding vow renewals. You can personalize these vows and use them word for word, or you can select the lines that you like and create an original vow for your ceremony. To make them yours, simply replace the X with the number of years you’ve been married, replace the (name) with your spouse’s name and select from either of the two words if you encounter a pair separated with a “/.”

Formal Vow Renewal Ceremony in a Church Modern Religious Vow Renewal

Wife: We are here for a celebration.
Husband: We are here to celebrate love.
Wife: We are here to celebrate marriage — our own marriage which has endured for X years.
Husband: Today we celebrate those X years. We rejoice that the world/God brought us together and we had the good fortune to marry one other X years ago.
Wife: We have celebrated each other’s successes. We have comforted each other’s sorrow. For X years, we have lived and loved.
Husband: Today we celebrate the memory of all those years. We celebrate, as well, the hopes and dreams we hold for the years ahead. Most of all, we celebrate now, today, this special occasion which our love has earned for us.
Wife: It is a day of days, a time of times, a dream come true. Like all the other days of our lives, we celebrate it together.
Husband: I celebrate my love for you.
Wife: I celebrate my love for you.

Traditional Religious Vow Renewal

X years ago, I pledged my loyalty to you, (name), as your wedded husband/wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony. I promised to love you, comfort you, honor and keep you, in sickness and in health. I further pledged that forsaking all others, I would keep myself only unto you, so long as we both shall live. During these X years, I have been faithful to those pledges. Now, again, at the beginning of the X year of our life together, in the presence of God, in the presence of our family, and in the presence of friends who have gathered for this happy occasion, I renew these vows, pledging myself to continue my devotion to you as long as we both shall live.

Get your free guide

Selecting Your Vows – Religious Vows for Your Vow Renewal

Whether you’re wanting to write your own vows, looking for inspiration, or hoping to find just the right one, this guide will help.

Selecting Your Vows - Religious Vows eBook

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One Comment

  1. ALDE N. BAUSA February 4, 2020 at 2:53 am - Reply

    Thank you this helped us a lot… God bless and continue to become an inspiration….

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