Sample Vows for Renewing Your Wedding Vows After Marrying Young

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What makes a Vow Renewal ceremony incredibly special are the vows which typically focus on thanking each other for their loving support over the years and a pledge of commitment to each other for the future. The wording of your vows should reflect the life you’ve lived together and your feelings for one another. In addition, it is nice to acknowledge the accomplishments of your marriage, your children, and milestones and triumphs you have shared together. Vow renewal language can be sweet, sentimental, serious, and even humorous in spots.

Below are sample vows that you can use for your wedding vow renewal ceremony. Please feel free to personalize these vows and use them word for word or select the lines that you like and create original vows for your ceremony. To make them yours, simply replace the X with the number of years you’ve been married, replace the (name) with your spouse’s name and select from either of the two words if you encounter a pair separated with a “/.”

Sample Vows 1

Wife: X years ago, with the future stretched out before us I vowed to love you forever.
Husband: We didn’t know what lay before us, and the future brought many challenges, but we met them together.
Wife: And I’m happy to say, that after all these years, I am even more in love with you.
Husband: As am I. So, I stand here today looking forward to another X years.
Wife: And another X years beyond that.
Husband: I, (name), still take you, (name), to be my wife. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad.
Wife: I, (name), still take you, (name), to be my husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad.
Husband: I thank you for the time we’ve shared. And it is with love and commitment that I look forward to continuing our journey together.
Wife: And with this renewal of vows, our love and commitment will grow ever stronger.
In Unison: As long as we both shall live.

Sample Vows 2

Wife: How little we knew of love X years ago, my love.
Husband: How little we knew of love.
Wife: We knew of movie love and TV love and other peoples’ kinds of love.
Husband: But we really didn’t know much about real love at all.
Wife: We have learned, you and I. We have learned how to love our love.
Husband: Learning our love has been an amazing process.
Wife: I have learned that a choice, once made, is not necessarily completed, but lived. I have chosen you many times since our wedding day. I choose you still. You are my life.
Husband: I have learned that a love, once formed, is never wholly finished. My love for you grows and evolves daily.
Wife: How little we knew of love, my love. How much more we know of love now.
Husband: Do you suppose, X years from now, we’ll look back on this day and say “How little we knew of love X years ago?”
Wife: I know I love you today and will love you then.
Husband: I too know I love you today and will love you then.

Sample Vows 3

Husband: How young we were X years ago.
Wife: How much we’ve learned since then.
Husband: We’ve learned that it takes two to achieve dreams.
Wife: We’ve learned that people grow and change.
Husband: We’ve learned that everything and nothing is quite the way we thought it would be. The challenges have been harder than we expected — and the successes greater.
Wife: And that together we can handle anything.
Husband: If I could go back and do it over again, I would marry you again.
Wife: And I would marry you again.
Husband: X years ago, I thought I loved you. Now, I know I do.
Wife: X years ago, I thought I loved you. Now, I know I do.

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