Second Honeymoon Travel Tips

Following up your vow renewal with a romantic second honeymoon is the perfect way to round out your celebration. For those whose budget simply didn’t allow for a “real” honeymoon, […]

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Following up your vow renewal with a romantic second honeymoon is the perfect way to round out your celebration. For those whose budget simply didn’t allow for a “real” honeymoon, this is your chance to take an amazing trip together. When planning your trip, consider these travel tips and make your romantic escape as stress-free and perfect as possible.

Plan and Reserve Early

As soon as you’ve picked your vow renewal date and where you think you want to go for your second honeymoon, start researching accommodations and transportation. The earlier you make your reservations, the greater the chance you’ll get what you want and the best price. Be sure to compare prices on several sites and with multiple travel agents. Be sure to tell everyone you contact that you’re traveling as a honeymooner; you may receive special treatment or upgrades.

Be Assured with Insurance

Make sure your health insurance plan cover you in other states and countries! Also, if you’re planning an expensive trip, you may want to consider purchasing travel insurance that will cover cancellations, lost baggage, delays and unforeseen interruptions in plans.

Passports and Paperwork

If you’re planning to travel abroad, make sure you know what paperwork is required. The sooner you apply for visas and passports, the better! You don’t want problems or delays to ruin your plans. Don’t forget to see if there are any required or recommended vaccinations. Once you have all of your paperwork together, make three copies. This paperwork may include: passports, valid photo I.D., vaccination certificates, plane tickets, frequent flier cards, accommodation address and contact information, emergency contact numbers (including embassy and consulate information), travel insurance policies, and a copy of your marriage license. Give one copy to someone you could get in contact with easily, put one in your suitcase, and leave the third with a close relative. That way if your ID goes missing, a copy will help you with a faster recovery process.

While you’re at it, make sure to make four copies of your travel itinerary and attach three of them to those copies of your paperwork and put the fourth in your purse! This way people will know where you’re going to be and how to contact you in the case of emergency. Make sure your itinerary includes phone numbers for your accommodations and transportation, cell phones, your email address, and any details that will make you easily accessible if something goes wrong.

All About Money

  1. Set your budget.
  2. Check your credit card account limits.
  3. Research your destination before deciding how to bring money.
  4. Know the current exchange rate so you can control your spending and tip appropriately.

Remember, access to ATM’s abroad and in remote locations isn’t always as convenient as at home. Popular tourist spots generally have ATMs readily available, making it easy to keep the amount of cash you carry on you at a minimum. When traveling abroad, it important to be aware of conversion rates and ATM fees, they can add up quickly. Hot Tip: Credit cards usually offer excellent exchange rates and have a maximum cash liability, so they’re a secure option for travelers.

You’ll need to be able to pay for transportation from the airport, cover tips, and pick up incidentals so pick up some cash in the destination country’s denomination before arriving. Since cash isn’t replaceable should it be lost or stolen, traveler’s checks are a good option if you need or want to carry paper currency with you. They are refundable if you have a record of their serial numbers and can be exchanged for cash at many locations in addition to banks.

Most importantly, have a money strategy before you depart on your second honeymoon.

Keep Organized with Lists

List #1 – a master packing list to make sure you don’t forget anything! List #2 – a list of emergency contact numbers to bring with you. List #3 – your travel itinerary.

A Carry-On to Carry You Through

Pack your carry on with everything you would need if your luggage got lost! If it’s not on the banned list and it’s an essential to you, put it in your carry on. This includes valuables such as cameras, phone cards, memory sticks, and important medications. If space allows, pack an extra outfit. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes on the flight so if your checked bags don’t arrive with you, any adventures you have planned won’t be ruined.

Throw in a few packaged snacks and a small blanket to keep you fueled and comfortable on long flights.

It’s also a really good idea to photograph the contents of your luggage and the bags themselves before you check it. Should your luggage get lost, you’ll save a lot of time filling out lost baggage forms. Don’t forget to toss in a couple of travel guides and phrase books that will help you get around

Keep it Light

It’s almost impossible to take a trip and not buy anything, so pack light to leave room for the spoils of your shopping. One easy way to pack light is to limit the number of pairs of shoes you are taking. Ladies, try to find a single pair of dress shoes that will go with all of your evening attire!

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