How to Ask Your Spouse to Renew Your Wedding Vows
How to Ask Your Spouse to Renew Your Wedding Vows
It All Starts With Love Couples choose to renew their wedding vows for many reasons – personal and religious. Wedding recommitment ceremonies are not a new fad as the media [...]

It All Starts With Love
Couples choose to renew their wedding vows for many reasons – personal and religious. Wedding recommitment ceremonies are not a new fad as the media might have you believe and they are popular with couples from many cultures and faiths all over the world. So whether you are celebrating a major wedding anniversary, have dealt with a serious illness, or have been through a rough patch, a vow renewal ceremony communicates to each other and the world that you still want to be together and love each other.
Should You Propose?
Just as one of you proposed to the other to kick off the activities for your wedding, a vow renewal proposal can provide the catalyst for a marriage vow renewal ceremony. It can be as simple as asking your spouse, “Would you do me the honor of marrying me again?” or as elaborate as a flash mob proposal in Union Station. If your spouse hasn’t ever considered the idea, it could take her or him a few minutes to fully digest your proposal and answer you. Let your spouse know why you want to renew your vows and give him or her time and space to respond to the question. It never hurts to be prepared to answer questions like how you’ll pay for it, where you might want to have it, who to invite, and whether you want to involve your children in the ceremony.
Celebrating a Milestone Anniversary
Making it to milestone anniversaries, such as ten years, 20 years, 25 years and beyond is a cause for celebration with today’s divorce rates. A vow renewal celebrates why got married in the first place, your enduring commitment to each other, and that you’re still committed to each other. As you plan your vow renewal celebration, consider including friends and family who are important to your life. As part of your reception, ask your guests to share in remembering the past, celebrating the present, and looking forward to your future.
Powering Through Together
Making it through health, financial, or other life challenges together is certainly cause for celebration. Let the world know that you have come through fire together and survived with your marriage stronger than ever by celebrating the strength of your union with a vow renewal. Take this opportunity to ask your spouse to consider renewing your vows as a way to celebrate your love and strength together and to thank friends and family who stood by and supported you through those challenges. Take a few minutes during your reception to thank all those who have endured with you and ensured you didn’t go through it alone.
Renewing Your Commitment After Infidelity
If one of you was unfaithful, once you’ve done the work to rebuild your relationship, a vow renewal could be a positive step to starting the next chapter of your marriage. Creating personal vows that reflect your renewed commitment to one another will make your ceremony all the more meaningful. You might opt to take a trip and enjoy a private vow renewal and second honeymoon giving you time to truly reconnect away from all the pressures of your “real life” or celebrate surrounded by supportive family and friends. Only the two of you know which is the perfect vow renewal celebration for you.
Keep the Reason in Mind
Just as wedding vows are more than just words spoken before a man and a woman are legally bound to one another, a vow-renewal ceremony is more than just a ritual that couples perform after a set amount of time together or a reason for a party. A vow renewal ceremony is a sacred to the two of you, as well as family and friends that the vows you made years ago remain true and strong today and you’re committed to making them remain true for all the days of your lives. Renewing your vows shouldn’t be taken lightly, and they won’t fix a broken marriage. The power of a vow renewal is truly reserved for those couples who truly love one another and are committed to one another for life.
Should I buy a new engagement ring?
Hi there,
Thank you for your question! Whether or not you should buy a new engagement ring for your vow renewal is a deeply personal decision and depends on what feels right for you and your spouse. Here are a few things to consider as you make this choice:
Symbolism: A new ring can symbolize a fresh chapter in your marriage, celebrating your journey together and reaffirming your love and commitment. It doesn’t have to replace your original ring—it can be a complement or even worn alongside it.
Budget: A new ring is a significant expense, so think about how it fits into your overall vow renewal plans. If it’s not feasible, there are other meaningful ways to celebrate, like adding a new engraving to your current ring or exchanging a simpler token of love.
Personal Preferences: Does your spouse love jewelry or have a sentimental attachment to their current ring? If so, consider their feelings and whether a new ring would enhance or detract from the significance of your original one.
Special Occasion: A new ring could also align with the milestone you’re celebrating, such as a 25th or 50th anniversary. For some couples, it’s a wonderful way to mark the occasion and refresh the symbols of their bond.
Ultimately, the best choice is the one that resonates with both of you. Whether it’s a new ring, a simple ceremony, or even a heartfelt vow renewal without extra adornments, what matters most is the love and commitment you share.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask—happy planning!
Warm regards,