Outdoor Locations for Vow Renewals

Outdoor Locations for Vow Renewals

Is an outdoor vow renewal right for you? Having your vow renewal outdoors can be beautiful and very personal, but it also requires that you pay attention to some additional [...]

Outdoor Locations for Vow Renewals

Is an outdoor vow renewal right for you?

Having your vow renewal outdoors can be beautiful and very personal, but it also requires that you pay attention to some additional details due to the unpredictability of Mother Nature.  By being prepared for the worst, your day is sure to a wonderful memory no matter what hand Mother Nature deals you.

Outdoor Locations for Vow RenewalsConsiderations for Outdoor Locations for Your Vow Renewal

  • Rain and Heat – It’s nearly impossible to get a 100% guarantee that you are going to have a perfect sunny, dry, day with moderate temperatures. Be prepared by having an alternate indoor site where you can quickly move the ceremony and/or reception in case of rain or excessive heat. It’s also a good idea to make sure that eating areas, buffet, cake tables, DJ and dance floor are covered in any outdoor event to prevent even a brief light sprinkle of rain or beating sun from creating havoc on your day. Tents are a good option to look into!
  • No Uninvited Pests – Keep flying pests at bay by selecting a date and time that’s not particularly bug-friendly.  Table lamps with citronella candles or tiki torches can add a romantic touch while keeping flying pests at bay. While the citronella scent may not be your favorite, it’s better than having everyone get bitten by uninvited pests.

Notifying Guests that Your Vow Renewal is Outdoors

  • Invitations – You want to make clear either on the invitation or the RSVP that you are planning your vow renewal ceremony and reception to be outdoors and what the proper attire for the event is. You don’t want guests showing up in clothing suitable for an indoor location with air-conditioning on a hot summer day.  Likewise, you don’t want them sporting attire suitable for warm weather if the evening is normally coolish.

Selecting Food and Drink for an Outdoor Vow Renewal

  • Food – It’s important to make sure your caterer knows you are planning outdoor locations.  The menu will need to be tailored to the weather, particularly if you are expecting it to be very hot. Your caterer should be able to suggest suitable menu options. You should also ask them if they have successfully catered other outdoor events in spite of the weather and where.
  • Drink – Be sure that your bar includes plenty of water and other non-alcoholic cold drinks to keep your guests refreshed and hydrated in the heat or hot drinks if it is going to be chilly out.

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